Pacman Frog Looks Deflated – What’s Wrong and What to Do?

Usually, a Pacman frog has a round body and a huge mouth. Notably, this amphibian is an interesting pet to keep at home since it’s easy to care for. But, sometimes, the Pacman frogs can look deflated, and you don’t know what’s wrong or what to do.

Therefore, in this post, you are going to learn everything about the Pacman frog, why it can look deflated, the cause, and what you can do.

Reasons Pacman Frogs Look Deflated

Usually, you would always wish to keep your PacMan frog happy and healthy at all times. For instance, the Pacman frog normally has a big round body shape. Importantly, you would love it to remain that puffed. But, even when you have done your best in taking care of the frog and its immediate environment, sometimes your Pacman Frog may appear deflated and shriveled.

Importantly there are many reasons your frog can look deflated. This includes;

  • The Pacman frog that has peed. Pacman frog looks deflated after peeing because it loses a lot of water as urine.
  • To hide from predators. The frog can look deflated as a way to hide from being detected by predators. In normal circumstances, Pacman frogs are round and easy to notice. But, sometimes it can deflate to avoid being preyed on by predators.
  • The frog is ready to mate. When the Pacman frog is ready to mate, it deflates to expose its sexual organs ready for mating. This helps in attracting a mate.

Therefore, considering the above reasons, it’s normal for a Pacman frog to look deflated sometimes, and there is nothing to worry about.

However, in case the frog seems to be unhealthy, or you suspect there is something wrong, then you shouldn’t ignore it. Do something about it.

Common Health Problems in Frogs, Signs to Check Out and What to Do

Since now you know there is nothing to worry about when your Pacman frog looks deflated unless there are other signs that make it seem unhealthy, let’s look at some of the health issues common to frogs, the signs you should check, and what you should do.

Mainly, a Pacman frog looking deflated is normal, and you shouldn’t consider it a sign of a health issue unless there are other signs that make you suspect the frog is unhealthy.

Therefore, when you see your PacMan frog look deflated, and after careful observation, you notice other signs, then it’s likely, the Pacman frog is unhealthy and you should take the right action.

The following are common frogs’ health issues, the signs, and the things you should do to address them.

  • Endoparasites

If the frog looks thin than its normal puffed body shape, then it could be that the frog is affected by endoparasites such as tapeworms, and roundworms. Notably, although a low level of parasites may not be fatal, you need to consult a veterinarian for a check-up and treatment before the parasite problem escalates and harms your pet.

  • Severe weight loss

If your frog is deflated or shriveled for a long time, then it could be a sign the frog is experiencing weight gain challenges. To address the weight problem, you need to adjust the frog’s diet. Usually, being underweight is a sign the frog is not getting enough nutrients to maintain a healthy weight. Therefore, by increasing the food portions and feeding it more frequently, the frog can add weight.

  • Impaction

If you notice a hard lump in the frog’s body and the frog has signs of lethargy, then it could be impaction. Mainly, impaction happens when the frog has swallowed a large object causing a blockage in the digestive system. When your frog swallows pebbles, the small ones are usually passed during pooping, but the large pebbles are difficult to pass; hence causing digestive tract blockage. To establish if the frog is experiencing impaction, you can feel a hard lump. If the problem persists even after weeks of observation, you can contact a veterinarian to have the object removed.

Importantly, to prevent cases of impaction, keep the enclosure clean, free of any small rocks or other small items.

  • Constipation

Is the Pacman frog having difficulties pooping? Then, it may be that it’s being constipated due to a poor diet. So, what should you do as the frog owner? Mainly, there are a few remedies for constipation. For instance, you can soak it in warm water with honey. Also, you can administer medication with the help of a veterinarian doctor to ease bowel movements.

Importantly, to address the constipation issue in the long term, you can begin by adjusting the diet to ensure the frog feeds on a healthy diet.

Common signs of health problems that are easy to notice include:

  • Your frog is not eating

Naturally, Pacman frogs are hearty eaters, hence any sign of slow eating or not eating at all is a sign of danger. Importantly, there are many reasons your frog may not be eating normally. For instance, if you realize the Pacman frog is not eating and its enclosure is comfortable to live in and the frog is not stressed, then it could be it’s being constipated.

  • The frog is not pooping

Your frog not pooping is a sign you need to monitor to establish what could be the problem. Mainly, there are various reasons your frog may not poop including impaction.

  • Flipping over

If the Pacman Frog flips over, then it’s a sign of a serious problem that needs to be addressed. It could be a bacterial infection, mineral deficiency, or something else, so you need to contact a veterinarian doctor to examine your pet further and treat it accordingly. Usually, it will get better after the right and timely treatment.

But flipping over is not always a sign of a serious health issue to worry much about. Sometimes the frog will flip over because it is stressed or it’s escaping a threat and the flipping over should go away once the frog feels safe and comfortable. Therefore, you should only get worried if flipping over persists.

How to Take Care of PacMan Frog and Ensure it Stays Healthy

Mainly, if the frog just looks deflated, then it can change to its normal shape without the need for your effort from your end especially if the deflation is because it lost a lot of water by peeing.

However, if the frog’s deflation is accompanied by other signs then you need to take the appropriate action to ensure proper care.

  • Ensure proper diet. Feed PacMan frog a balanced diet. Mainly don’t feed your pet one type of food at all times. Also, avoid feeding your frog processed food as it may contain preservatives that might be harmful in the long term. Instead, feed your Pacman frog fresh foods.
  • Ensure clean water. Pacman frogs require clean dechlorinated water. Therefore, you should change the water often or daily where possible.
  • Clean housing conditions. Ensure the substrate is clean and free of any loose materials and debris.
  • Ensure the temperatures in the enclosure are moderately high. When the Pacman frogs are put in a cold environment they tend to go into estivation and they stop eating.
  • Close monitoring. Although frogs don’t require a lot of attention, it’s important to keep a close look at the PacMan frog’s health. Frogs in captivity likely develop health issues and they can be fatal if not detected and treated immediately when they occur. Therefore, always keep a close eye on your frog. Don’t ignore any sign that you suspect could be a symptom of health issues.
  • Ensure the right humidity levels. Pacman frogs thrive in a humid environment. To ensure the right levels of humidity you can mist the frogs twice a day.
  • Seek help from a veterinarian. It’s always advisable to be sure your pet is fine and seeking help when you suspect something is wrong is a must. Mainly, whenever you are unsure about the frog’s health, always consult a veterinarian.
  • Provide the UVA or UVB lighting. The frogs require this kind of lighting for their body to produce the vitamin D3 to help in the absorption of calcium.
  • Take your frog for medical check-ups annually or semi-annually. You should take your frog to a veterinarian at least once or twice annually. The amphibian specialist will examine and treat the frog if necessary. Also, you will be advised on the best way to care for the frog. Therefore, even when your PacMan frog doesn’t show any signs of deflation or sickness, you should still take it for a general health examination at least once or twice a year.


Based on the above discussion, it’s evident that your Pacman frog looking deflated is normal and it’s a sign that it is healthy. But, although it is safe for your frog to deflate, it’s important for you to take the right action, if after close observation you notice other signs that the frog is unhealthy.

Lastly, the Pacman frogs are resilient and fascinating, and when well taken care of they can live up to 15 years. Therefore, the ultimate goal is to ensure your frog lives long and leads a healthy life, hence always take good care of it and take the right action whenever you notice the frog has a health issue.