Can Bearded Dragons Eat Clovers? Be Careful With Beardie’s Food

Bearded dragons are extremely tender animals and we have a lot of articles on our blog about how to treat them and how to take care of them to prolong their life. One of the questions that we are often asked by bearded dragon owners is if these pets can eat clovers. We don’t know why so many people ask about this – do you all have a lot of clovers at home? But let’s find out what the answer is.

Today, we’ll tell you about why a bearded dragon can eat clovers and whether it can make any good. We’ll talk about bearded dragons eating grass and see if it’s OK for them or not. Also, you’ll be able to know if clovers can hurt your animal. We don’t recommend experimenting with beardie’s food because it will always be dangerous for your pet.

Here’s what we’ll discuss:

  1. Are clovers a good source of food for bearded dragons?
  2. What can beardies get from eating clovers often?
  3. Why clovers can actually be dangerous for bearded dragons?
  4. What other plants can bearded dragons eat and get some benefits from?

Let’s get started!

Are clovers good for bearded dragons?

We can’t see why you should feed your beardies with a lot of clovers, but if you have a lot of this grass, you can try. First of all, some food like this is needed to improve digestion. Also, it will help beardies get some important elements and minerals. One more important thing is that clovers can be safe for reptiles because they are very soft.

Again, we don’t see clovers as something extraordinarily wonderful for your bearded dragon. But we know that it can be good for their health if they eat some. Of course, you will have to know some restrictions and rules to not overfeed your animal with grass.

Here are some important features of clovers:

  • this food is very soft and tender and it can’t be dangerous for a beardie, your pet will easily chew and swallow it with no problems;
  • clovers contain a lot of proteins compared to other types of grass, that’s why it’s a good source of vegetable protein for a reptile;
  • also, clovers can be the source of water for your animal because this grass is full of water which is important for the health of the beardie;
  • one more thing – bearded dragons can get a lot of important minerals with clovers, this grass is rich in numerous components;
  • the majority of bearded dragons will be glad to chew on some clovers, so you will not need to try and make your animal eat this;
  • sometimes, you can mix some important medications or some healthy food for your beardie with clovers.

Bearded dragons will see this green grass as their favorite food. And it may seem that they are ready to only eat clovers all day long. But it’s not true. Bearded dragons are not very good at food choices, they will chew on something all the time without even understanding if they actually need this right now.

Beardies are not going to consider whether they need proteins or minerals now and they will not choose certain types of food according to their needs. Dragons rely on your food choices for them. And we can say that the choices will immensely change the way they live, influence their health, and make their lives good or bad.

How to give clovers to your bearded dragon?

It’s not hard – you should just find the way your beardie loves eating clovers. First of all, make sure that what you are giving is clovers. If you aren’t sure, better avoid giving any unknown grass to your animal. These creatures are so tender and sensitive to all possible food problems that the reaction will be unpredictable.

Here’s how you should give clovers:

  • at first, try giving just a couple of pieces of the grass in some favorite food of your beardie;
  • after that, you should just watch and see if your animal eats every piece of clover;
  • if the bearded dragon digs in the food to find clovers, it will love more of them;
  • if a beardie doesn’t want to eat clovers, don’t try to make the animal eat them;
  • after that, you can give a larger amount of clovers with every new portion of food;
  • we don’t recommend giving pure clovers without any other food;
  • always watch if the pet is happy with the amount of grass you are giving.

You can see that it’s not hard to introduce your bearded dragon to clovers. But never insist on any food that you think will be good for your beardie. These guys are extremely picky and if they don’t like something, they will be stressed if you keep trying to make them eat that. Though, we know that the majority of neared dragons will love clovers. They need some veggie food sometimes to help them clean their digestive system.

What can go wrong with clovers for your beardie?

You can give all kinds of clovers to your bearded dragons. We’ve seen them eating red clovers, white clovers, crimson clovers, etc. But there is a big concern in terms of additional elements that clovers can contain. It’s not only about the fertilizers that may have been used for growing the grass. It’s also about the natural elements like photoactive compounds or cyanogenic compounds that may be formed in some clovers.

These compounds depend much on the place where clovers were grown. You shouldn’t take the grass just from outside. The only good option is to grow clovers organically, especially for your pet. In this case, you will know for sure that the grass doesn’t contain any harmful acids or other elements that can cause problems with your pet. Beardies can easily get poisoned if their food contains any bad elements.

Can your beardie choke on clovers?

Well, there is a little risk that a bearded dragon may start choking on any grass. But clovers are small, tender, watery, and easy to chew. So the risk is not that high. But we suppose you should learn how to help your animal if something bad happens. Because you aren’t likely to have a lot of time to call a vet and ask what to do.

Your beardie will not choke on clovers unless you do the following mistakes:

  • not giving enough drinking water to your animal which may lead to many problems;
  • giving clovers with long grass – you should just give the small juicy parts to your animal;
  • giving clovers to your beardie after a long time without food – the dragon will hurry up when eating;
  • giving only clovers – this way, your animal will skip chewing and try to swallow the grass;
  • giving old clovers to your animal – in this case, the clovers may be too hard to chew.

These are just some of the possible mistakes you may do. But if you follow simple rules and don’t do these mistakes, you will not have any problems. We can’t say that clovers are something necessary for your beardie, but they won’t hurt your animal and they will always be the way to give it some snack.

Can you give some other grass to your bearded dragon?

We think you should be very careful with giving any kinds of grass to your reptiles. Yes, clovers are OK as long as they are just those small juicy parts without the grass. Giving simple grass that grows in your backyard to your bearded dragon is an extremely bad idea. And we can think of a lot of reasons for that.

Here are just some of our concerns:

  • your beardie will not be able to chew the grass properly, so the digestion system may be affected;
  • also, the bearded dragon may choke on the grass because long grass is extremely hard to swallow at once;
  • fertilizers and chemicals that are used in lawns and in gardens usually all end up resting in the grass;
  • not all grass types are good for animals, a lot of grass species can become poison for your reptile;
  • you need to know for sure that the grass is organic and your beardie can actually eat it with no consequences.

It’s very important to know what you are doing with your bearded dragon. It’s not a pet for somebody who likes experiments. It’s a very demanding animal that actually can die because of one bad decision. And you should remember this when you are searching for some grass to give to your animal.

Final words

Be very careful with food for your bearded dragon. These animals are extremely sensitive to the types of food you give to them. These animals will need good food with all minerals included. And if you decide to feed your beardie on some clovers, you should make sure these clovers are clean and organic, they don’t contain any poisonous elements, and they are prepared to be given to your reptile.