How to Get Rid of Sprickets in the Basement? Best Ideas

One of the unexpected encounters you can have in the basement is seeing these insects called sprickets. These bugs with long jumper legs and a camel back in light to dark brown shade seem to like jumping on anyone startling them.

These creatures love to hang around in damp, cool, and dark places like the cave and your basement. So if you asked your kids to get something in the basement and they came back running and screaming their hearts out, these spider-cricket look-a-likes probably scared your loved ones in the dimmed light.

Now that’s not the only scariest thing. Even if these creatures are not that dangerous, they may breed in your basement and make the place their home. If that’s enough to scare you, we prepared a comprehensive guide on how to get rid of them in your basement.

What are Sprickets?

Technically, sprickets are not spiders or crickets. They only got the name for having legs looking like a spider and a body resembling a cricket’s. They are insects from the Orthoptera family.

They also go by the name cave crickets, spider crickets, or camel crickets. But before getting terrified of their sight, know that these insects are not dangerous. They are not venomous. They do not bite. They do not have fangs. If ever they try to bite, it will not sting.

Sprickets are generally not aggressive. Although they may try to jump toward you or bite as their last resort, they are harmless and will not cause pain.

Why Do You Have Spider Crickets in the House?

Spider crickets get into your home because there are entry points such as cracks, gaps, and small openings where they like to crawl into. They will sneak into the cracked walls or foundations and utility lines.

They go into your house because they can find food, shelter, and mates in your home. Also, they’d like to hide in dark, damp places like the basement. It gives them home-like feels as if they were in their natural habitat in the caves or mines. Because naturally, they’d hide under rotting logs, rocks, and damp leaves.

They go into your basement because they can see small sources of light even if it is dark. They’d like to see rays of light at night or when it is dark.

What Do Spider Crickets Do in the Basement?

By now, you understand that sprickets are harmless insects. However, these creatures can be problematic in many other ways.

So what do they do in the basement? Why do you have to get rid of them?

  • With ideal conditions in the basement, sprickets could grow at a rapid rate.
  • And they would clutter the basement in groups.
  • They tend to drop fecal matter anywhere.
  • They munch on anything organic: fungus, insect eggs, cardboard, and fabric.
  • They munch on everything they can chew.
  • They can damage your belongings and your furniture.

How to Get Rid of Sprickets in Basement?

So you’ve decided to take action. Here are our suggested ways to eradicate spider crickets in the basement.

1) Reduce humidity levels.

Spider crickets thrive in humid places like the basement. The best way you can do to get rid of them is to reduce the humidity in your home. There are a variety of ways you can reduce humidity at home.

First, you can use a dehumidifier and place it in your basement. Set it between 30 and 50%. If the humidity goes higher than these figures, crickets will go to your home carefree.

Next, you can increase the ventilation. But on basements, you can open the windows if there are and install an exhaust system. Improve air circulation by installing vents.

After that, fix the leaks, plumbing problems, or water seepage on and near the basement. For any sources of moisture, try to remove them as soon as possible. Eventually, you can reduce the moisture amount in the basement.

2) Rid them with a vacuum.

Vacuum may not get rid of the sprickets entirely, but it will help remove the dirt and dust they get attracted to. Also, doing this can help remove newly-laid eggs. If you use a vacuum regularly, it’s your best first step to eradicate them in the basement.

Take note that you can startle them when you turn on the machine. So they will most likely jump off when startled. Aim the nozzle quietly so they will not notice you. Do this. So that when you turn the nozzle on, they will have no time to jump away.

3) Use sticky traps.

Sticky traps are one effective way of removing insects in places not always walked around by people. Strategically placing them where they’d like to clutter or always have activities can help you catch more sprickets.

The good thing about sticky traps is they are not toxic. And you can even monitor those sprickets if they would like to make a home in your living spaces in the house too. To even make your sticky traps more effective, put in some bait too.

4) Make homemade traps or repellents.

You can use home ingredients or homemade traps to repel or kill sprickets.

  • Soapy water

Soapy water prevents the sprickets from roaming around because this trap will drown them when they fall into it. The dampness in the water favors the crickets. So they will jump in until they cannot get out of this homemade trap.

To make your solution, simply fill containers with water and liquid dish soap. Mix them. Place these containers in different areas in the basement.

  • Boric Acid

Boric acid is a common household item and is an effective way to kill sprickets. You can use it as a bug spray or feed it to the sprickets. When using boric acid to bug spray, mix a small amount of water and fill it on a spray bottle.

If you feel the spraying is weak, try a more concentrated approach. Boric acid is toxic to sprickets when digested. Sprinkle them on spots where they like to munch around. Or you can use some food like bread as bait and add boric acid.

  • Cedar Oil

Cedar oil is a natural repellent for sprickets. Not only for sprickets but for other insects as well. Its fragrant smell affects their natural behavior and instincts. It dehydrates them and emulsifies their body fats, gradually affecting their ability to function.

You can use cedar oil as a spray. Or you can place cedar oil on a cotton ball and place them in places where the sprickets like to gather around. You can use a diffuser to release the scent of cedar oil in the air. Add water to the diffuser and a few drops of cedar oil. Place it on their hide spot in the basement. Turn it on.

  • Peppermint oil

Here’s another natural repellent you can use as a spray. Get a cup of water and mix ten drops of peppermint oil and a quarter cup of white vinegar. Pour them into a spray bottle and spray them on their favorite spot in the basement.

5) Seal your home.

Sealing your home minimizes the sprocket’s point of entry. Install weather stripping and seals on doors and windows. Seal cracks, gaps, and openings with caulk.

To do this, find all entry points to your home. Some sprickets cannot get into your house and the basement. Seal utility openings and check your vents and ducts. Install a mesh screen to prevent them from going in.

6) Declutter.

You can store a lot of clutter in the basement. And these clutters are what sprickets like to feed on. Cardboard boxes, old clothes, paper, cluttered storage, and anything they could chew. You have no idea, but once they discovered your furniture, they will start chewing it.

To solve this problem, start decluttering the area. If you must store things in your basement, store them in airtight jars and containers so they won’t have any reasons to stay in your basement.

7) Pet a cat.

Some cat breeds have the instincts to hunt and prey. One of these is Siamese and Persian cats. They would hunt down these nuisances and eat them. Although not all cats have this behavior, you may get lucky with one. However, if you are considering this option along with others, make sure not to feed poison to the crickets because it may harm your cat. Try natural repellents or organic options if you want your cat to have a great time hunting in the basement.

8) Trim your lawn.

The lawn has the closest access to your basement from the outside. Tall grasses, house openings, cracks, and your cluttered basement are excellent places for sprickets to transfer homes.

Regular lawn care can help sprickets away from your home. Sprickets love to thrive in places with tall grasses and wet leaves. But if you remove these tall wet grasses and leaves, they may not even find and discover your basement. Give your lawn some love by trimming it every week.

9) Call a Professional.

If all the ways above failed, and your basement has been infested with sprickets, call the experts. They know their way with pests like sprickets. Not only do they have the experience handling them, but they also have the proper tools and equipment needed to eradicate them.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know what to do with spider crickets, it’s time to look for the things available at your home to try the steps above. You have many choices, and you can try multiple ways to get rid of sprickets.

It takes some strategies and determination to make your basement finally free from sprickets. First, know where they get into. Find those openings and seal them. Reducing moisture is the biggest step to take.

Because you will never run out of sprickets if your basement makes them comfortable. And lastly, be consistent. You may kill a few of them but you never know how much are there hiding. So make this a habit, because they might come back to your home in the next summer and fall seasons.